Iconic Spotlight : The Great Gatsby, by Eva Sereny

I was entirely focused on the present–getting work and appreciating the immediate results of being successfully published. I didn’t even comprehend the importance of the films I worked on, including The Great Gatsby, how the images I shot at the time would be so appreciated nearly 50 years later.

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Iconic Spotlight : Paramount Pictures, by Terry O’Neill

Paramounts Stars

“There was an incredible amount of co-ordination behind the scenes, as you can imagine. Getting everyone there—and ready—for the photo. It’s incredible now looking at it—it is a Who’s Who of Hollywood. There are the greats like Elizabeth Taylor, Jimmy Stewart, Jane Russell, Bob Hope next to the new Hollywood stars of the day—Robert De Niro, Faye Dunaway, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Kevin Costner, the list goes on and on.”

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