Iconic Spotlight : AC/DC, by Terry O’Neill


“When I shoot studio portraits such as these, I’m always thinking of new ways to present the subject or, in this case, a way to capture the band’s unique style. We did take several photos of the band in a more traditional straight-on way. But I admit that I like these better. Looking at them from the bottom up, it almost feels like I was able to capture the band mid-air.”

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Exhibition : Eva Sereny, Anemoi Gallery

Anemoi Art Gallery, 43 Brook Street, Mayfair, London, W1K 4HJ

Friday 14th September 2018

A photographic exhibition of Eva Sereny’s works will open at Anemoi Art Gallery in Mayfair on Friday 14th September 2018 and run through the Fall.

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Iconic Spotlight : Sarah Vaughan, by Ted Williams

Sarah Vaughan

This photo was taken on Sarah’s first national tour as a single. I was a student at The Institute of Design at the time, and called Sarah directly at her hotel (possible in those days) and received permission to photograph her in her dressing room for the next issue of a non-existent college newspaper.

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