
David Bowie & Elizabeth Taylor

In the first of an ongoing series of ‘Fine Art Friday’, we look at Terry O’Neill’s photo of David Bowie with Elizabeth Taylor.

More than a decade after meeting the screen legend, it was no surprise to Terry picked-up the phone to the hear the voice of Elizabeth Taylor. Taylor knew O’Neill recently worked with this new artist and was wondering if he could arrange a meeting. The artist? David Bowie.

The meeting was arranged for Bowie to come to director George Cukor’s house to meet with Elizabeth Taylor, who wanted to discuss a possible role in her upcoming film. As the day went by, Bowie wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Whilst Taylor had a reputation for keeping people waiting for meetings, David Bowie had firmly matched her on this occasion, leaving the actress waiting for several hours.

When Bowie did arrive, Terry O’Neill had his camera at the ready. “I wasn’t going to miss this meeting. It was Elizabeth, though, who directed every shot. She took David outside so we could catch the last night and I snapped away.”

David Bowie didn’t land the role in the movie that day, but Terry O’Neill did document their first meeting and beginning of a friendship that would last for the rest of their lives.

Terry O’Neill’s photos from that one late afternoon in 1975 beautifully capture the immediate chemistry between David Bowie and Elizabeth Taylor and are available to purchase in limited edition, signed fine art prints.

Sizes available range from 12×16 inches to 48×72 inches. To inquire about purchasing, contact jackie@iconicimages.net

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